If you're winning at poker but still feel a huge potential to accomplish bigger things …

I can show you how to …

I can show you how to …

Win More
With Less Stress
And No Regrets

Win More
With Less Stress
And No Regrets

Using "neuropresence" techniques spawned from the research of modern neuropsychology's founding father.

Dear Friend,

If you're winning at poker and want to win big without needing to sacrifice the quality of your personal life, this letter can show you how.

If you want to go from winner to crusher?

You Cannot …

Under Any Circumstances …

Afford To Become …

… The “Bad Reg”

This condition has nothing to do with how much you're winning.

"Bad Reg" is a state of mind.

If you are:

* Unhappy about the success of others

* Wishing it was you instead

* Not playing up to your full potential while constantly thinking about how much success and happiness it would bring you

You’ve become a "Bad Reg."

The "Bad Reg" is the cash game grinder who has to keep watching people with less knowledge and skill move past you. The tournament player who works hard on your game but who never finds the big score while your friends who you study and talk with win all the money and trophies.

Some of it is variance, for sure.

But not all.

Deep down, you know you’re not differentiating yourself. You’re just doing the same stuff everyone else does–study, review hands with friends, get coaching sessions, watch some poker on tv, and play.

If you’re real serious?

You probably make it a point to exercise, eat healthy, and read "mindset coaching" books that tell you to “be logical” and “focus on the next hand” when your emotions start to boil up after a bad beat or mistake.

On the surface, it all looks fine …

After all, this is what everyone says you're supposed to do.

But you keeping watching people who know less than you and who don’t work as hard as you pass you by.

The truth is …

If you want to stand out …

You need to be different.

You need something that stands out.

Doing what everyone else is doing (and nothing more) is a surefire way to make yourself average at best.

Which means:

You don’t need to study more.

And you don't need mindset coaching.

Those things got you exactly where they get everyone else—okay but not amazing, wishing you were winning bigger by unlocking your full potential.

To get to the top, you need that "special something."

You need to …

1) Be present in big moments

2) Tune in to your instincts

3) Have the confidence in yourself to trust those instincts completely and make big moves when you know it's right

Most people don’t have the guts to play this way.

Because if you lose?

You don’t get to blame it on the chart, the solver, or what your friends or even coach would have done

It's all on you.

But look around…

There are tons of people out there who are incredibly mediocre when it comes to understanding poker at a deep level, but this is the one thing that they do have—total confidence in their ability to make a decision based on their instincts, hand after hand.

And those players are winning big, all while people like you are muttering to yourselves:

How is he winning so much?”

If you want what they have, read on …


The Performance Lab

A longterm membership program that delivers permanent results

This isn’t for everyone.

For instance, if you:


Are not already a winning player


Are happy to earn middling amounts and not serious about becoming truly great at what you do


Are not ready to try something completely different from how "everyone else is doing it"

This program isn’t for you—not yet, anyway.

However, if:

You’re a winning player and you feel certain that being able to get in "the zone" in big moments would substantially increase both your earnings and enjoyment of the game

You want to be 100% certain you've gained every possible edge you can find as a poker player and want access to ideas and methods nobody else in poker teaches

You’re serious about having the issues holding you back go away for good

Then read on, because I've got something I'm excited to show you.

Once inside, you’ll discover:


The one thing you can't afford to do inside yourself if you want to win life-changing money. I once had a new client who had never won even $50k in a tournament in 10+ years of grinding. Within weeks of eliminating this behavior we smashed through to a $150k score. This immediately followed by a million-dollar win less than two weeks later.


How the sports psychology and mindset coaching industries are actually the worst thing that ever happened to serious poker players. Gain what feels like an unfair edge simply by knowing the "anti-mindset" principles nobody else is talking about.


A system I gave my clients that got them learning faster and winning more money while studying less.


My three-step-sequence that gets the laziest slackers to "flip the switch" the moment you need something done. It has nothing to do with “mindset shifts” or building a routine. If you're already a consistent worker it will crank your production way up with no added stress.


What never to do before a final table or playing in a big game .. and what you must always do instead if you want to walk away with none of the "coulda, shoulda, woulda" regrets.

It’s real simple:

When you're already a winner …

The fastest way to double your profits isn't to double your knowledge.

It's to become fully present each time you play.

Everyone wants to do it the other way around—increase hours spent studying, hours spent playing, with no focus on the quality and your level of presence during those hours.

If that actually worked?

Everyone would be doing great, and I would have no business—but stress levels in poker have never been higher, and I've always got a line of people waiting to work with me.

The truth is, and has always been:

Changing inside first leads to change on the outside.

If you don’t believe me, no need to read further.

But if it’s all starting to make sense, read on …

We are different.

Nothing is "standard."

My techniques aren't being talked about anywhere else.

When you follow them, they will lead you to the money, success, satisfaction, and recognition you’ve wanted for so long but could never quite capture on your own.

How it works …

I promise you’ll see none of the same old same old “quit drinking, eat healthy, wake up early, study more, watch less tv at night, think positive thoughts, stop being results oriented” recycled “coaching everyone else is out there peddling.

Instead, my techniques will rewire your brain and nervous system from the inside-out to recognize and catch yourself the moment you stop being present, then "autocorrect" to get right back into the zone.

All you need?

Is an open mind …

And belief in yourself.

If you've got those two things …

Just show up and watch what happens.

With your six month membership, you’ll get …

Access to every course I’ve ever made, which means you’ll have immediate access to every idea I’ve ever given out to my high paying 1-on-1 clients (people who are now regularly paying me a minimum of $15-20k to work through these principles with them) over the years, and …

Everything that I’ve ever taught them, you will get.
Nothing is held back.

For starters, when you join, you’ll get immediate access to:

1) Presence and Profit (regular price $1500)

My best-selling course of all time.

An entire library of ideas and techniques that are not talked about anywhere else in the game of poker that will arm you with a solution for staying present, composed, and focused during any issue you’ll ever come across.

One of the most highly respected poker players and coaches in the game today, Kevin Rabichow, hit his biggest career score of 1.1 million dollars at the World Series of Poker within a couple months of going through this program.

After his win, he wrote:

“Presence and Profit addresses each unique scenario we might find ourselves in. I’ll be coming back to these practices again and again as I run into new challenges, and I’m confident they will continue to deliver results.”

He’s not alone.

At this point I can’t even count the number of message I’ve gotten from people who decided to learn and apply the techniques in this program and then soon hit the biggest score or winning streak of their life.

This course alone will completely transform the way you experience life at the table.

With your membership, you’ll also have access to …

2) Unbreakable (regular price $500)

The content in this course has, over and over, delivered the following feedback:

“My wife thanks you”

Because through this program, you will:

* Have the confidence of knowing that nothing can break you—because you've done the “inner game” work that lets you feel crystal clear about who you are, what you want, and what needs to be done next anytime you need it.

* Upload a “next level” understanding of human relationship dynamics straight into your brain. You'll be able to recognize and break through old relationship patterns that have been holding you back forever (once you know how it all works, it's like plugging into The Matrix—you'll see it everywhere you go in others, and won't believe how long you lived this way).

* Become immune to outside distraction—and tap into a new level of “easy discipline” that will keep you from doing things you don't want to do, and keep you focused and productive in a way that feels normal and doesn't burn you out.

* Retrain your subconscious to eliminate blame, criticism, and jealousy (and anything else that drains your energy)—and run on an endless supply of fuel and motivation instead.

* Get so powerful with your communications and relationship skills so that nothing ever gets “lost in translation” again, and the people in your life are happy to support you in reaching your goals (even better, you'll be doing all this from a place of 100% integrity inside yourself that you'll be proud of, unlike others who try and get these things by being shady and unethical).

Why did I make this?

Because all the money and success in the world isn’t enough when you don’t deeply understand yourself or how to navigate your relationships in a way that lets you enjoy what you’ve got.

Along with the courses above, you’ll also receive …

3) Conquer Cravings

The program I created that not only personally helped me to quit smoking, binge eating, lose 100 pounds and never have those things ever be an issue again, but also has helped countless people overcome their emotional reliance on cigarettes, drugs, alcohol, social media consumption, porn, and any other behavior that you’re currently doing but wishing you weren’t.

(Side note: this course is not publicly for sale, and this is the only place you can get it. When I first had people asking me to help them through these issues, I charged $3000 to teach what I’ve put in here completely free with your membership.)

In case you haven’t noticed …

The Performance Lab isn’t just about poker.

It’s about being at your best in all areas of your life.

When you understand this?

The money and success at the table starts to flow like it never has before.

But back to the poker …

With your membership you’ll receive access to …

4) Crushing the Series (regular price $1000)

A program I created specifically to help you master the unique dynamics that exist at the World Series of Poker.

Dynamics that, if you don’t understand them, will leave you every year with a sour taste in your mouth of knowing you could have done better.

Those who have applied these concepts?

They’ve won, and won big.

They’ve done this because everyone in this program you learn how to …

* Rise to the occasion, stay composed, and play your game on your terms in high-pressure situations where life changing money is at stake and everyone is watching.

* Bulletproof your emotions—so that no matter what happens, you’ll be able to access the part of you that can lock in, think clearly, and do what you know deep down is right.

* Spot the exact signs that your opponents are experiencing fear, so you can adjust your strategy to take advantage of the mistakes they’re about to make. With these specific techniques, you’ll often sense the discomfort in your opponents even when they can’t tell themselves (apply this just one time late in a tournament and that alone might very well pay for this entire program several times over).

* Identify and remove the “hidden sabotage factor” inside you that prevents you from being able to hit that huge, life changing score (everyone has one, and if you don’t fix this glitch inside, you’ll always find a way to keep yourself from finishing the job).

* Create your own unique and perfect “post game routine” that will give you a total emotional release from all the highs and lows of each day—and empty out your mind so that you can rest deeply and show up on days two, three, four (and beyond) with mental clarity you’ve never felt before this deep in a tournament.

* Walk away from every WSOP with zero regrets—knowing deep down, without a question, that you did your best in every moment, fully present and engaged.

Next up is …

5) The “It Factor” (Cost per attendee: $1000)

This four week intensive group training focused on two main things:

* Mastering the ability to tap into your “gut feeling” of instinct and intuition which throughout your life has been correct at an unusually high frequency, then follow through on it without talking yourself out of it (this, not more knowledge, is what separates the biggest winners from the rest in almost every player pool).

* A presence-based method I invented that improves your ability to pick off tells while also looking completely unreadable to the untrained eyes of your opponents (it’s got nothing to do with body language, works in online games as well as live, and from what I can tell is not being taught by anyone else in poker).

The results were ridiculous …

Out of ten players, three hit their all time biggest tournament scores

Just in that month alone.

That’s the power of having “it.”

The cost to attend was $1000 per person.

For you?

Included free with your membership.

Finally, you’ll also get access to …

6) The Vault

If you’re a real growth junkie?

The type who can just never get enough content, and are always looking for something else to plug into and get that next big idea that will change your entire perspective on things?

This one’s for you.

“The Vault” carries around 40 hours of me doing live coaching calls over the years—where we’ve hit on every topic imaginable when it comes to overcoming your obstacles and reaching your potential as a performer.

The best part:

You’ll never run out of new stuff to listen to, new ways to grow.

Because more is always being added.

And last but not least …

Future new programs and course that I create will go straight into your membership—which will add up to thousands of dollars of extra value all at no additional cost to Performance Lab members.

Anyone who has ever worked with me will tell you:

When you work with me, I’m all the way in on your success.

Nothing gets held back.

Everything goes into the lab.

And if you know me, you know I never stop creating—making new stuff, seeing new patterns, finding different ways to give you a leg up on whoever you’re playing against. Always have, always will.

The content in here is the most unique best in the game. Same stuff I give to my 1-on-1 clients who over and over are hitting new personal high scores in poker while also reporting greater levels of happiness at the table and in their relationships.

But there’s more …

I’ve spent a lot of time and money (way over $100k at this point) in my lifetime on coaching programs and mentorship, so I’ve learned a few things.

One of them is:

I truly hate joining programs that have a ton of content but no support in the implementation of it.

Which is why I’m not gonna do that to you.

I’m all in on your success, which means:

When you join The Performance Lab,
you’ll get …

Access to direct feedback from me.

Whenever you need it.

No longer having to stew on your problems alone, wondering if you’re doing it wrong, feeling lost and without personal support—and instead having a direct way for me to help you with your specific issues quickly so that you can get back to the business of feeling good and crushing the games.

Your membership gets you into…

1) The Member’s Only Private Channel

Where you’ll be able to directly talk with me over any issue you come across, so that no matter what happens, you’ll know you’re not doing this alone—and you’ve got a built in place you can go to get rock solid advice and support you can count on.

You’ll also get a seat in …

2) The Monthly Masterclass

A 90 minute call I host every month where I will deliver to you the latest ideas and techniques that I’ve been working on, and where you can raise your hand and get live coaching on the spot with me to face your biggest area of need (a service that otherwise can only be had by becoming one of my highest paying 1-on-1 clients).


Alright, that’s all I got.


Everything I’ve ever made, thought about, and taught to my clients over the years that has made them millions of dollars without sacrificing anything in their personal lives—combined with a support system to help you implement, fine tune, and grow quickly at each step along the way.

If you’ve made it this far and you:

1) Are ready for a completely different approach that will finally make sense

And …

2) Feel genuinely excited at the prospect of working with me in this way

This program was made for you.

Ready to make the leap?

Come join us, I’ll be ready for you.

Jason Su, Poker With Presence

P.S. This program is for people serious about your success and who are ready to dedicate time and energy to it. If that’s not you, please don’t sign up.

But if you’re ready for this?

You will be very, very happy with the results.

P.P.S. Everyone who has fully committed to working with me in this way has reported nothing short of huge results both in their performance and in their life.

How confident am I that this works?

How’s this for a guarantee …

If you find at any time during your six month membership that what I’ve given you has been anything less than a total gamechanger at the table and in your life, I’ll give you a 100% refund of every dollar back.

I also guarantee …

* You won't find anyone who cares more than I do about helping you solve your problems (every question you have is answered by me personally either in person on a call or by text)

* You won't find this type of full-on, 100% satisfaction guarantee of this length with anyone else (you might get 30 days max with others). I have no interest to getting paid unless I deliver exactly what you want and need from start to finish.

* Nobody else has created an easier path for you to win more with less stress and no regrets. This is 10+ years of research, testing, coaching, and refining—all my best stuff that has earned millions for my clients, nothing held back. All you have to do is show up. The leaks that are draining you will be revealed and the solutions delivered straight to you.

I'm ready if you are …


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